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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kannur > Arakkal

Arakkal Palace

Arakkal Palace is the residence of Arackal Ali Rajas, the only Muslim royal family in Kerala. It is about 3 km from Kannur. The ruler of the erstwhile Arackal Royal family, Sulthan Adhiraja Ayisha Muthu Beevi, died here following old age. She was 84. She took charge as the ruler in 1997, following the death of Raja Hamsa Koyamma Thangal. Adhiraja Ayisha Beevi, daugher of Raja Hamsa Koya's sister, would be the next ruler.

The Kannur fort was owned for some time by Arakkal family. Arakkal family controlled parts of the coast and Lakshadweep. The Arakkal family followed a matriarchal system of descent. The elder most member of the family, male or female, was its head and ruler. While male rulers were called Ali Rajah, female rulers were known as Arakkal Beevis.

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