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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Forests

Kerala Forests

Kerala forests have scope for mountaineering, jungle trekking (with experienced tribal guides), bird watching etc. It is well connected by good roads. Kerala has 12 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 5 National parks.

Travel tips

Be silent once you are in forest area to view animals and birds. Control children. Early mornings and late afternoons are best time to view animals. Do not use colorful clothes and perfumes. Carry drinking water and food. Seek the assistance of a forest guide. Do not disturb or tease animals. Trekkers must use jungle boots for safety. Carry medicines for common ailments Avoid smoking. Radios and tape-recorders are better be avoided. Do not litter around. Do not swim in unfamiliar waters. Travel light and do not carry any valuables except cameras and binoculars.

Forested Tourist centres
National parks
Wildlife Sanctuaries

One can report forest crimes - hunting of animals, cutting of forest trees, trespassing of forest land etc - to the Kerala Forest officials. Phone : 094479791xx.

Idukky DFO (FS) - 11 (xx)
Kothamangalam DFO (FS) - 12
Punalur DFO (FS) - 13
Tvm DFO (FS) - 14
Tvm AC (Forest Intelligence cell) - 15
Ernakulam DFO (FS) - 21
Kannur DFO (FS) -22
Kozhikode DFO (FS)- 23
Palakkad DFO (FS) - 24

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