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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Forests > Kuruva island

Kuruva island

This 950 acre, uninhabited island, 17 km east of Mananthavady, on the eastward bound Kabani river is an ideal picnic spot. The dense ever green forest is home to rare species of birds, orchids and herbs. The Kuruva dweep is a set of islands on the tributaries of east flowing river Kabani, far away from the disturbances of city life.

kuruva river

Rare species of birds, orchids and herbs are the sovereigns of this supernal kingdom. Mainly there are three islands and a few submergible satellite islands. The main island contains two small fresh water lakes. Several migratory birds are also seen here. These islands present a unique eco system which may be of great interest of nature lovers.

You’ll be ferried to the island in a boat and you get to spend time there as much as you want and need to return before 4.30 PM. You can either walk around and explore the vegetation or spread a mat, setup a camp and relax for some time. You can also cross the river on a raft and go to other side of the river bank, to see some nice green paddy fields and couple of huts, shops and tree top huts. One can stay in tree top huts for Rs 750. Boat fee: Rs 10, Island entry fee: Rs 10, Rs 30 for still camera.

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