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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Idukki > Chinnar


Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary

The Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the rain shadow region of Western Ghats of Kerala, India, and represents a large number of plants and animals unique to the thorny vegetation.

Apart from the dry thorn forests, due to the significant variation in altitude and rainfall, it has a wide array of habitat types like deciduous forests, dry thorny forest, riparian types, sholas and grasslands that are interspersed with plains, hillocks, rocks and cliffs which provide micro habitats for varied forms of life.

It is an abode of reptilian fauna and the richest in Kerala in terms of the number of species. Albizia lathamii, a critically endangered species has been reported from the dry forests of Chinnar. It is a well known repository of medicinal plants. The riverine forests along Chinnar and Pambar support a healthy population of Grizzled Giant Squirrel.

The famous ‘white bison of Manjampatti’ has been recently reported from Chinnar. With 225 species of birds, Chinnar is rich in avian diversity. In association with the neighbouring PAs, Chinnar forms part of a viable conservation unit.

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