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Kerala Tourism

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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kannur > Aralam

Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary


The Aralam Wildlife sanctuary covers an area of 55 sq km and is a treat for wildlife lovers. The key fauna include elephant, sloth bear, mouse deer etc. Rich and varied types of avifauna and reptiles can also be seen here.

Located on the western slopes of the Western Ghats, the Aralam sanctuary is the northern most wildlife sanctuary of Kerala. It was established in 1984. The headquarters of the sanctuary is near Iritty, a small town about 55 km from Kannur. The sanctuary adjoins the central state farm at Aralam. It lies between north latitude 11°50' and 11° 52' and east longitude 75° 49' and 75° 57'.

How To Reach

Aralam sanctuary is 45 km from Thalasseri in Kannur District.

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