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Kerala Tourism

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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kozhikode > Beypore


Beypore or Beypur is a small coastal village in Kozhikode. The place was formerly known as Vaypura / Vadaparappanad. Tippu Sultan named the town Sultan Pattanam. This place also has a small port and a beautiful beach. Beypore port is one of the oldest ports in Kerala from where trading was done to the Middle East. Beypore is also famous for building wooden ship, it is called Dhows or Urus in Malayalam language. These ships are usually bought by Arab merchants for trading, fishing and now used as a tourist ships.

Chaliyar Puzha which is the fourth longest river in the Kerala state flows through this village.

Beypore beach

Beypore beach

Beypore beach is renowned for the ancient fishing harbor in Kerala. In the past, many Arab traders used to like Uru (traditional vessels), which were designed, and made in Beypore. It is picturesquely located at the mouth of Chaliyar river and also around 8 km towards the south of Kozhikode, in Kerala.

The beaches here are clean, acting as an ideal haven for relaxation. Here, you can enjoy water sports like swimming, parasailing, and surfing. On the Beypore beach, you can eat seafood and also drink fresh coconut water. If needed, you can take a boat out into the sea with a local fisherman to catch fish as you experience the unmatched beauty of the sea.

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