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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kannur > Fort St Angelo

Fort St Angelo

This Fort is the prime attraction of the Kannur town and is located around 3 km west of it. It was originally built by Don Francisco De Almeida (a Portuguese Admiral). However, the Dutch took away the fort from the Portuguese in the 17th century and sold it to Ali Raja of Kannur. Later, the Fort also passed into the hands of the Britishers.

Fort St Angelo

Currently, St Angelo Fort, also known by the name of Kannur fort is under the care of ASI. From the fort, you can have some striking views of the Moppila Bay and Dharmadom island. The bay is a natural fishing bay and today serves as a fishing harbour. As for the Dhramadom island, it is just 5 acres in area and is located at a distance of 100 m from the mainland into the Arabian Sea.

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