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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kannur > Parassinikkadavu


The famous village, Parassinikkadavu is located 16 km from Kannur town. The village is bestowed with natural scenic beauty.

Parassinikkadavu Muthappan Temple


The great Parassinikkadavu Muthappan temple, is situated near the banks of Valapattanam river. The Muthappan temple is the only shrine in India to celebrate the festival round the year. The 'Utsavam', the festival begins in December. 'Theyyam', the ritual offering here is performed every morning and evening. The offereings and rituals are unique here and Toddy, is the main offering to the deity. The temple offers free food and accommodation to the visitors.

Parassinikkadavu Snake Park


Parassinkkadavu is noted for the Parassinikkadavu snake park which is committed to the preservation and conservation of snakes as most species of the reptile are on the verge of extinction. There are about 150 varieties of snakes including the spectacled cobra, King cobra, Russell's viper, Krait and Pit Viper living in the park.

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