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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kollam > Sasthamcotta



Sasthamcottah is an attractive village situated about 19 km from Kollam town. It is a beauty spot, a health resort and a centre of pilgrimage. The extensive freshwater lake here, is said to be the biggest of its kind in Kerala. Water supply to the Kollam town is met by purifying the water from this lake. Buses are frequently operated to Sasthamcottah, which can truly be called as Queen of Lakes.

The vast fresh water lake here is the largest of its kind in Kerala. The ancient Sastha temple which lends its name to the town, is an important pilgrim centre. There are frequent bus services from Kollam. Accommodation is available at the PWD Rest House.

Sasthamkotta Lake


Sasthamkotta is largest freshwater lake in Kerala and is surrounded by hills on three sides except on the south side, where a bund has been constructed separating the lake from the neighbouring rice fields. The ancient Sastha temple which lends its name to the town, is an important pilgrim centre. A large part of the lake has been reclaimed for agriculture.

The source of water is from the underground sprouts. The lake has a capacity to hold 22390 million litres of water and serves as the source of drinking water for the people of Kollam district. The lake is special in the sense that water in the lake does not contain common salt or other minerals and metals. The lake supports 27 species of freshwater fish including pearl spot and cat fish and two genera of prawns. The lake abounds in 21 species of herring and sardines of the family Cupeidae.

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