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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kottayam > Wagamon



Wagamon is a hill top resort near Palai, in Idukki District, Kerala. The area is famous for its cool climate. Temperature between 10 and 23 degree Celsius. It is situated 1,100 m above sea level. Kurisumala monastery is situated there. It is around 33 km from Palai. The area is full of Tea estates. Indo-Swiss Project dairy farms is situated in Kurisumala. Wagamon is surrounded by three hills namely, Thangal hill, Murugan hill and Kurisumala. Tea estates, grass lands, meadows, mist and shola forests add to the charm of Wagamon environment. Wagamon is at the fringe of the western ghats and the foot hills on its lower side reach up to Teekoy with a gradual descent. Traveling by the hill highway in this section is an exhilarating experience with deep valleys and magnificent views all around. Wagamon presents very spectacular views with an ethereal touch.

Wagamon provides unlimited holidaying fantasies all the year, except the monsoons when rains are very heavy here. A perfect place for tourists if you ever desired to rejuvenate yourself and you would always cherish the memories of this enchantingly beautiful land. You can enjoy activities like boating and walking in and along the banks of numerous beautiful lakes around Wagamon. The area abounds in with numerous exotic and beautiful waterfalls hanging from the steep and sloppy hills.

There are many eco-friendly projects being developed in the region. Green Meadows is one such project which aims to develop and construct cottages, Ayurvedic massage centers, Cultivation of medicinal plants, fishing and boating lakes etc.

One of the prime attractions of the tourist visiting Wagamon is its famous Kurisumala Ashram located in the heart of the Sahyadri mountains, which run parallel to India's south west coast. You can enjoy here a cool and soft breeze, which blows across the valley leaving an imprint on your soul, a perfect place to meditate. If you are willing to experience peace of mind then Wagamon provides you the perfect conditions.

Kurisumala is also known for milk and honey it produces, the means by which Kurisumala Ashramthe monks make their livelihood. Honey is found in the rocky clefts of this mountain, where bees make their hives. The place where the monks have been deeply involved in meditation is situated on highest part of the land, called "Resurrection Garden".

How to Reach

It is 33 km from Pala in Kottayam district, well connected by buses from Kottayam and Pala.

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