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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Ernakulam >Kochi Taluk > Chellanam


Chellanam formed the southern border of the pre-colonial Kingdom of Cochin. At one time, there was a police station called "chouki"[clarification needed] at the southwest end of the forest, where policemen guarded shipments transported through the canal and collected the tariffs on goods brought into the country.

Chellanam is on a narrow landform about 10 km in length, starting from St. George Church at the southern end and Kattiparambu (near Thoppumpady) At the northern end it has a width of 250 mtrs., accommodating in between the villages of Maruvkad, Challakadavoo, Kandakadavoo, Puthanthode, Kannamaly, Cheriyakadavoo and Kattiparambil. The landscape is filled with bungalows and courtyards.

The majority of the people are Roman Catholics. The district includes the Diocese of Cochin and the Diocese of Alleppey. The local parishes in the Diocese of Cochin consist of St. Sebastian's Church in Chellanam, St. Antony's Church in Kannamaly, St. Joseph's Church in Cheriyakadavu and St. Francis of Assisi Church in Kattiparambu. Those in the Diocese of Alleppey are St. George's Church in Chellanam and St. Francis Xavier's Church in Kandakkadavu.

Most of the people make their living by fishing and agriculture. Fishermen work at deep-sea and fresh-water fishing, using the latest technologies.

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