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Kerala Tourism

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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Palakkad > Kollengode


Kollengode is 19 km from Palakkad town, north Kerala. Attractions are endless green paddy fields, an ancient Vishnu temple and the Kollengode palace. Palakkad, known as the granary of Kerala, is a land of palms and paddy fields. Kollengode enshrines the pristine beauty of rural Palakkad. The village gets its name from the blacksmith (Kollen) community who live here.


The Kollengode Palace built in the traditional architectural style and a shrine dedicated to Lord Vishnu are the major attractions here. Seethakundu and Govindamalai near Kaachankurichi are ideal locales for adventure trekking.

Nearest railway station : Palakkad, about 19 km from Kollengode.
Nearest airport : Coimbatore, about 55 km from Palakkad town.

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