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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kasargod > Trikkannad

Trikkannad Siva temple

The Trikkannad Siva temple is located on the shore of the Arabian Sea. It is situated at a radius of one kilometer from the renowned Bekal bridge. This temple is also known as Dakshina Kashi. The location of this temple is unique and it provides the worshippers an opportunity to make their appeal to God. It is said that all the appeals are granted here by the Almighty. So, people horde here during the festive occasions. They dress up in their choicest attires and pay homage to the God at the Trikkannad Siva temple.

Once a Pandyan ruler tried to attack the Shiva temple and the presiding deity of this temple set fire to his ship and turned him into a rock. In this rock the famous Trikkannad Siva temple is located.

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