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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Beaches > Alappuzha Beach

Alappuzha Beach

Alappuzha beach ia located 4 km from town. Referred to as the 'Venice of the East', Alappuzha has always enjoyed a unique place in the maritime history of Kerala. Alappuzha beach is a popular picnic spot. The pier, which extends into the sea here, is over 140 years old. Entertainment facilities at the Vijaya Beach Park add to the attraction of the beach. There is also an old lighthouse nearby which is greatly fascinating to visitors.

Facilities at the Vijaya Beach Park: Boating, a children’s park with toy train and bicycles. Open from 1500 - 2000 hours. Entrance fee: Rs 2 per person; Free entrance for children below 5 years. Boating charge: Rs 10 for ten minutes. Video permit: Rs 25; Camera permit: Rs 5.

Other Tourist Attractions

Today, Alappuzha is famous for its boat races, backwater holidays, beaches, marine products and coir industry. Q S T and R Block Kayal / Backwaters : By boat from Alappuzha (1.30 h by motor boat and 30 minute by speedboat.

Nearest railway station : Alappuzha, Nearest airport : Cochin International Airport about 85 km from Alappuzha, State Bus services also available from every part of Kerala.

Other beautiful virgin beaches in Alappuzha district are at Mararikulam and Andhakaranazhy.

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