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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Hill Stations
Hill Stations

Devikulam Hills

Devikulam is near Munnar in Idukki district. The lake and the tea plantations are the major attractions. A spice garden run by the district tourism promotion council nurtures a wide variety of spices. A lovely, little lake hidden within the rolling hills called the Sita Devi lake offers rejuvenating springs of mineral water and is also a favourite picnic spot among tourists. The idyllic hill station with its velvet lawns, exotic flora and fauna and the cool mountain air offers a rare experience to visitors. The Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary can be easily visited from here.

According to a legend, Sita Devi, the holy consort of Lord Rama, came down to frolic in the lake and the place came to be spoken about as 'Devikulam'(meaning the lake of the goddess), ever since.

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