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Kerala Tourism
Tourism > India > Kerala > Hill Stations
Hill Stations

Nelliyampathy Hills

Located at a distance of 52 km from Palakkad, the cool hills of Nelliampathy, nestling atop the Western Ghats, offer a breathtaking view of the misty mountains and enchanting valleys interspersed with sprawling tea, coffee, cardamom and orange plantations. Places that can be visited around Nelliyampathy are Parambikjlam Wildlife Sanctuary, Thunakadavu and Malampuzha.

This fascinating hill station is at a height of 467 to 1572 m above sea level. At least 10 hair pin bends have to be negotiated on the Ghat road that passes through the breathtaking evergreen forests of the Sahya Ranges. Seethakundu at Nelliyampathy offers a panoramic view of about one third of Palakkad. This hill country is the delight of trekkers.

Nelliyampathy Hills

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