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Tourism > India > Kerala > Districts > Kasargod > Important Festivals


Important Christian Festvals

The Perunal Festivals of Churches are also famous as far as the District is concerned. There are two famous churches which were constructed during 1879-1880 period. They are at Kasaragod and Bela.

The Church of Our Lady of Dolurus at Kasargod situated near the Railway Station Road constructed during the year 1880 is also famous and the Thirunal Festivals of the Church attracts thousands of people.

The Mother Dolorus Church of Bela

The Mother Dolorus Church of Bela is about 11 K.M. on the Kumbla-Badiadka Route. This Gothic Style Roman Catholic church under the Mangalore diocese has celebrated it Centenary recently. Perunal (Thirunal) festival in the Church falls during the month of December every year which attracts large number of people.

Sacred Heart Church at Vorkady

Sacred Heart Church at Vorkady, Church at Manjeshwar, ChristuRaja Church at Kayyar, St. Veronica Church at Kumbla., Sacred Heart Church, Ukkinadukka, St.Johns Britanica Church at Narampadi, are the churches constructed between 1911 and 1942, and the Perunals of these churches attracts large number of People.

The other Churches in the District were built after 1943 when the Christians migrated from Travancore to the Eastern hilly areas of the district. The important among them are Rajapuram Church, Ranipuram Church, St Antonys Church at Balal, Christu Raja Church Bheemanadi, St. Marys Church at Kadumeni, St.Geevarghese Church at Kanhiradukkam, St.Sebastian Church at Maloth, Marypuram St.Mary's Church at Karivedakam, St.Thomas Church, Thomapuram, Cherupuzha at Vellarikundu. All these Churches celebrates the annual festivals (Thirunals) in a befitting manner, which attracts thousands of people. Grand processions and firework display makes these festivals colourful.

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